Ishmael made isram

I talk about Christianiti & isram.

isram use bible, old testament.

because Ishmael is abraham's son

but abraham made baby with sarvent hagar.

he is ishmael. 

his son , descendants, muhammad made isram.

I talk about how to connect to God first.


abraham had a big mistake.

He had a baby without his wife.

so there are 2 big religion. christianity& isram.

But God will not work survent hagar's son , ishmael, isram.

So isram is waiting for messiah thouthand years.


jesus was sara's son, Isaac's descendants.

so isram didnt believe jesus 2000 years ago.

abraham had a mistake.

He got baby without his wife.

so we are sad, we have 2 big religion,

 christianity & isram.

but it is our history, 

human has sex without partner.

we do sex easily, but it is no good.

it is sin from abraham. 

so I have to be careful woman too.

if I do sex with someone unknown,

human will be unhappy 1000 years later.

God will go away from christianity too.

I will be alone, I will not get married.

everyone OK to get married.

but I decide to be single.

my job is very big. I will be with God, like jesus christ.

but there are many abraham's sons in the world.

They will work after i die.

we must know sex is not for fun.

playing music, eating BBQ, driving with car. 

many funs without sex.

please don't be like abraham.

I will be careful too.

thank you verymuch.

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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