Why illuminatis want Japan?

Today, I talk about, 

Why many illuminatis(specialy china) want Japan.

Now many chinese coming to Japan. They want hijack Japan.

i talk about reason.

movie,  please watch)

japan is their roots. japan was oldest satanic countory. 

so chinese want Japan.

Please listen my music.) Love,Time, Music

Today is July 26th 2023.

we spend half year 2023. kingdom millennium.

How about U? I am happy.

my family become friendly, they help me.

before 2023, They hate me, I survive alone.

But they change mind 2023,they help me.

why they change mind?

because satans can not work for them from 2023.

They does not hate me now.

movie about 2023 for me)

I make more music, and many poeple will meet God, I hope many people will be saved by god.

I told how to connect to God, so U can know how to connect to God.

God use U for evangelism.


U can be superstar, 

if you talk about god, when you become famous,

god will bless you more.

 God & Angels Help U your ability.

god help u 90% , so my music, 90% god help me.

my ability is 10%.  god help 90%.

so everybody can be super star. 

no1 in the world. for sure.

inspiration everyday from god.

god made earth & heaven. so very easy god give me 1 song everyday.

everybody please connect to god.  make kingdom of millennium together.

see u again. thank U read it . byebye.

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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