Chinese last emperor’s roots

Now Chinese Illuminatis doing pandemic 
I mean this pandemic from 2020 

I talk about Chinese illuminati roots 
Please watch movie

Egypt was biggest city long time ago 
But Satanist control the world 

They made war 
Egypt became desert 

Escape to east 
It’s Chinese illuminati (baal )
Japanese emperor (ashtaroth)
They worship baal & ashtaroth 

Escape to west 
Rothschild( ashtaroth)
Royal family (baal )
They are Satanist 
They chose island to live 

Japan & England 

Enemy can not attack them 
Because sea protects islands 
China destroyed other illuminati 

They doing NWO 
I hope god destroy them soon

Thank U very much 

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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