2023 Time of the end was written in Bible

Today I Talk 
Time of the end
When it is happen?

It is written in Bible
I will Talk
movie) Book of daniel
I made song too

music) Book of daniel
Book of daniel
people ask daniel
when Israel forgiven?
daniel said 
From the time that
 the continual burnt offering 
shall be taken away, 
and the abomination that
 makes desolate set up, 
there shall be 
one thousand two hundred ninety days.
daniel said 1290days

1260days = (3 & half years)
+30days(1 month)

(1month = 30days) in Bible

There is many times
we can see 1260days

1260days = 3 &half years =42month

For example)

Book of daniel

I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by him who lives forever, say that it shall be for 
a time, times, and a half
there is 
a time, times, and a half

it mean 
1+ 2 +0.5


it mean  

3 & half years

3 & half years = 1260days = 42month

it is same  meaning.

please remember it .

daniel said 

the abomination that 
makes desolate set up, 
what is the abomination that
makes desolate set up?

isram made Holy land in Israel 

it is 
the abomination that
makes desolate set up.

it was 688

so let plus 1260 to 688

688+ 1260 =1948

what's happen in 1948?

Israel became Independent in 1948

people ask daniel
when Israel forgiven?

answer is 1948
plus 1290 for 688
688 + 1290 =1978

what is 1978?
new world began
new christ  born.  new world was started 
in 1978

i born in 1975

may be me ?

If I connect U to God ,
I may christ  for U .

Book of daniel

Blessed is
 he who waits and comes 
the one thousand three hundred 
thirty-five days.
daniel said 1335days

Let's plus 
1335days change 1335years 

688 + 1335 = 2023

wait and comes

It mean 2023

we will be blessed by God
If we wait until 2023

it is kingdom of millennium

God will seal All SATANS in 12/25 2022

Because our punishment for 6000years
is over

it was Adam & Eva had a sex 
when They are young.

Eva seduce Adam

They had pleasure sex 

Adam can not connect to God 

Their mission
save the world was failed.

this punishment is over 
12/25 2022 

so if we wait & comes until 2023

we will be blessed by God 

no SATANS & no illuminatis world will start from2023

Let's celebrate our celebration day

12/26 in 2022 

 1/1 in 2023

will be our Celebration day
Thankyou very much

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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