Pfizer didn't test Before shot vaccine

We knew pfizer didn't test Before They shot vaccine

It was news  10/14 2022

my music first
Music) Know the Truth
This is news 
Pfizer didn't test Before vaccine shoting

Please watch movie

movie) no test Before shoting vaccine
We knew Corona was not True virus 
When Corona Start in 2020

Rapt knew Corona is fake sick
They use Corona to make NWO.

We Talk to Truth for 2years.

So few people stop to Take a shot vaccine

But  old people Take a shot vaccine
They believe Government.
pfizer didn't test Before vaccine shoting.
This news commimg out.

Because Chinese illuminati losing power
Chinese illuminati top was catched 
end of september  9  2022
movie) Chinese top was catched
We can't see but Chinese lose power

So this kind of news  commimg out
If Chinese still have  power
They erase this news 
This news commimg out
so  It's Start of Ending this Pandemic.
Power balance is change

China lose power
US will Attack China
This news is Attacking for China from US 
I,think so 
Change will happen now
Thankyou verymuch

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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