Japanese kimono

Sometime I use Japanese kimono
When I play music

movie) Japanese kimono
Japanese kimono
It was 20dollar used kimono at market.

Japanese doesn't wear kimono now
So It is very cheap now.

This song 4years ago
I bought this guiter that studio.
music) diEU detruire les illuminati
4years ago
I was waiting for 2023

Now It's coming

It's soon

It was my dream

Illuminati is dying now

almost finish

Queen elizabeth died
bill gates died
rothschild die
Japanese emperor died
putin died


Only Chinese illuminati

Let's destroy illuminatis 

Thankyou verymuch

YosUke HaRaDa

New music & True News from God for you Kingdom of millennium start 2023 Satan can not work on the earth God & angels control the world Because our punishment 6000years was over from adam & eva


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