Chinese Spy is in your country.
We found who start Corona Pandemic.
I made music about it
China made CoronaPandemic
They dominate World.
They didn't make war but They attack Other country and win.
How do they do that ?
I talk about this
They use Spy.
Chinese president Xi Jinping
has 100000000(100million People)
They are his group.
They can be Spy and They go inside of Other country and break it.
Spy is smart. good looking. Very kind.
They work Very well so They get trust and power.
Then They break
It's China style.
They use Spy and break from inside.
We knew China is last enemy
China break Other illuminatis
ROTHSCHILD.rockfeller.korean Deepstate.
China work Very hard now .
We pray to God and destroy them until 2023
Thankyou verymuch.